ABX802 GNSS Receiver
Trimble has announced that the ABX100, ABX800 and ABX802 are now officially in their end of life / end of manufacturing phase. Trimble® does not encourage development of any new projects using these OEM products. Trimble® suggests ABX-Two for customers looking for a replacement product for ABX100, ABX800 and ABX802.
All receivers from the ABX series share the same weatherproof, lightweight, small-sized, rugged enclosure capable of accommodating either one GNSS MB100 board (ABX11), one GNSS MB800 board (ABX800) or two GNSS MB800 boards (ABX802).
ABX Series allows OEM and system integrators to rapidly integrate centimeter level positioning into their application. Each receiver from the ABX series is fitted with a built-in power supply extending the input voltage range to between 9 and 36 V DC while maintaining a low power consumption regardless of the power input voltage.
Built in a weatherproof, rugged and small-size unit, ABX receivers can be operated in harsh environments while requiring a minimum of space for their installation. As lightweight high-end units, all ABX receivers are also compatible with airborne applications for which weight considerations are critical.
Dual board solution for:
- Heading for Relative Postioning
- RTK Heading
- RTK Relative Postioning
- Optional embedded UHX TRx
- Smart, Simple and Rugged Sensor
Easy to Integrate
- Aluminum Profile with mounting brackets
- Waterproof and dustproof: IP67 rated
- MIL-STD 810F rated for shock and vibrations
Rugged I/O Interface
- Waterproof USB / Serial port
- Waterproof DB9 connectors – Standard connectors easy to operate on the field
- 3 RS232 ports (2 RS232 when UHF is embedded)
- PPS output
- Event marker input
- Up to 3 TNC antenna connectors (GNSS#1 GNSS#2 UHF) – 9-36 V DC power input
- 9-36 V DC power input