Item #: AsteRx-m3 Sx

AsteRx-m3 Sx

The Septentrio AsteRx-m3 Sx is a compact, high performance, ultra-low power GNSS receiver ideal for integration into demanding industrial applications where power and space are at a premium. This compact OEM receiver board delivers reliable sub-decimeter accuracy with short convergence time anywhere in Europe and US.

SKU: AsteRx-m3 Sx Categories: , , , Manufacturer: Septentrio

Septentrio AsteRx-m3 Sx

The AsteRx-m3 Sx from Septentrio is a compact, high performance, ultra-low power GNSS receiver ideal for integration into demanding industrial applications where power and space are at a premium. It delivers out-of-the-box sub-decimeter accuracy thanks to the built-in PPP-RTK (a.k.a. SSR) correction service that will be active for a five-year period. With the AsteRx-m3 Sx there is no need for any additional correction service selection, subscription and maintenance. This compact OEM receiver board delivers reliable sub-decimeter accuracy with short convergence time anywhere in Europe and US. The AsteRx-m3 Sx comes with fully documented interfaces, commands and data messages. The included RxTools software allows receiver configuration and monitoring as well as data logging and analysis. An SDK is provided, which allows integrators to create professional custom post-processing applications.


  • Always-on high accuracy, right out of the box
  • Easy-to-use without the need for additional service subscriptions during a five-year period
  • Short convergence time
  • Sub-decimeter PPP-RTK service is available throughout US and Europe (see coverage maps for details).
  • PPP-RTK  GNSS correction services, which combines near-RTK accuracy with quick initialization times.
  • Compact light-weight design with the lowest power consumption on the market
  • Easy-to-integrate with an intuitive web app

AsteRx-m3 Sx features Septentrio’s AIM+ technology, for anti-jamming. It can suppress the widest variety of interferers, from simple continuous narrowband signals to the most complex wideband and pulsed jammers. RF interference can be caused by illegal devices called “jammers” or by neighboring electronics in tightly integrated systems. The radiofrequency (RF) spectrum can be viewed in real-time in both time and frequency domains and to help in deducing interference sources.

LOCK+ automatically adjusts the parameters of the AsteRx-m3 Sx receiver to minimize loss of position due to vibration.

The AsteRx-M3 SX also features IONO+, a technology designed to minimize ionospheric interference. 

Finally, the APME+ system effectively disentangles direct and reflected signals enhancing both position and measurement quality by mitigating multipath interference.

Septentrio AsteRx-m3 Sx Datasheet

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